Monday, January 11, 2010

A Time of Rapid Change -----

And no, it's not today. It's the 1800's and it's depicted in this novel I just finished.

My Lady Ludlow My Lady Ludlow by Elizabeth Gaskell

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
My Lady Ludlow is one of the books that the PBS series Cranford is based on. I downloaded this novel for my Kindle. I enjoyed the story despite the mid 19th century writing style. It's not Jane Austen, but it's readable and provides an interesting insight into a long-vanished world. Lady Ludlow is a dying breed, who is struggling as the world changes around her. She is an aristocrat born in the 18th century as the 19th century brings innovation and social change at a dizzying pace. It was easy to draw parallels between then and now as the world order changes! Despite the fact that she doesn't want things to change, she is eventually able to bend and adjust to changing times.
The story is told from the perspective of a young relative who goes to live as a companion to her distant relative.

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