Sunday, February 18, 2018

Yes, I'm really posting.  It's been so long since I was inspired to report in, to say anything.  I'm not sure that I even have anything worth sharing today.  But I want to start with this:

This hymn is speaking to me.  I belong to a lovely little church in New England.  It's a UCC (United Church of Christ) church and our denomination is on the progressive, liberal side of mainstream Christian denominations.  My church is small, and we are aging, but I do believe that we attempt to do more than just talk and pray.  Prayer is important, no question, but action is equally important.   And my little church acts its beliefs, thoughts, and prayers.  I'm not sure how we will act in response to gun violence yet, after all, this is a small town in New England, and many in our little community are hunters and gun owners.  But we already act through our food pantry, community suppers, our Open and Affirming, and Just Peace missions, our commitments to environmental and  opioid addiction causes.  So we will find a way to do more than send thoughts and prayers to the victims of gun violence. 
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette
Permission for free use of this hymn is given for local church and ecumenical worship services. Email for a copy of it in MS Word formatted for a worship bulletin insert and a PDF of the hymn with music. More hymns about gun violence, including one in response to a school shooting can be found at
Please share this hymn with church musicians, pastors and others who are concerned about gun violence.