Saturday, February 17, 2007

Work in Progress

I'm finally working on the pair of socks I promised my sister. I love the way they are turning out. I'm using Austermann Step Yarn and a "recipe" from Sensational Socks by Charlotte Schurch. I chose the Waterfall Rib pattern and I really am enjoying knitting it. The colors are much more vibrant than I could capture. I haven't figured out yet how to capture the rib detail either.

One more week til winter break! It's Spirit Week at my middle school. Since the kids are wildish any way the week before vacation, it seems like a good idea to tap into the energy. Monday is PJ Day - not my favorite day since some of the girls like to push the limits of appropriateness. My favorite day is Crazy Hair Day --- it doesn't matter how my hair looks for a change! Because of all the extra nuttiness this week, I don't expect a lot of focused attention in social studies, especially. So I postponed my hands-on simulation from last week to this week since I think that will keep them more on task. They will be creating all sorts of artifacts for a "museum" on Ancient China. They've done the "boring" work of research and now can share the fruits of their research by creating their artifacts. Crafty!! (pun intended)

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