Monday, May 26, 2008

3 More Books Read

I finished 3 books this week -- only one really grabbed my interest. I really enjoyed The House at Riverton by Kate Morton. It's historical fiction, set in England just before, during, and after WW1. Grace goes to work at Riverton as a housemaid at age 14, just before the start of WW1. She is fascinated by the family, and in particular, the Hartford sisters who come to Riverton first as visitors and then later as residents. The novel is told in retrospect. At the close of her life,Grace is dictating her memories to a beloved grandson. She examines her memories, and figures out some pieces of the past that had long troubled her. Kate Morton appears to have done extensive research into the time period and paints an intricate picture of the disintegration of a world, and the changes that overwhelmed many. I wasn't completely satisfied with the ending. I think there were a few loose ends that could have been tied up a bit more tightly. But I did enjoy it a lot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My husband recently bought me a copy of 'The House at Riverton' and I am really looking forward to reading it. I seem to be hearing a lot about it but I have to finish the book I am currently reading (Late Nights on Air) first. So many books, so little time!