Sunday, January 20, 2013

My Reading Goals for 2013

Somebody asked me yesterday how many books I was going to try to read this year, and I replied, "No idea."  I decided not to set a goal for myself; I don't need the pressure.  Last year I set a goal of 125 books, and I did achieve it.  However, as 2012 approached the end, I found my self in a panic that I wasn't going to make my goal.  And because I'm someone who hates not meeting a goal, I found myself stressing over the attempt.  Not a good thing.  So this year, I decided  not to set a goal.  I am going to read because I love to read, not because I have to keep pace with some sort of target.  So what?  Who cares how many books someone reads?

My goals for 2013:

  • Read for pleasure, escape, and relaxation
  • Learn some new things or gain new insights by reading nonfiction occasionally
  • Find some new authors to follow
So far this month I've made progress on the last goal.  My son recommended a science fiction/fantasy series that starts with Ilium, by Dan Simmons.  I reviewed it on Goodreads.  I found the book interesting and challenging, and I will look for the next one Olympos later this year.  

I really appreciate suggestions that some of you have made.  I am usually not disappointed, and that's mostly how I find new authors nowadays.  I sometimes feel guilty that I don't get into my wonderful public library often anymore.  It's a function of the disjoint between their hours and my schedule. That's where I traditionally found ideas.  So since I can't get into the library often, I really do depend on digital recommendations.   Keep the suggestions coming!

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