Thursday, November 19, 2015

November Notes

You'd think I'd have all the time in the world to keep this blog up to date now that I'm retired.  Ha!

I do tend to fritter away a bit too many minutes playing Facebook games.  I play Candy Crush Soda, Words with Friends, Solitaire Castle, and my favorite, Mahjong Trails.  I have this internet routine on days that I don't have to be out the door (like to a 7 am water aerobics class):  Get myself my first (and usually only) cup of coffee and check my email.  Then I check FB.  I generally play whatever games of Words that are ready for my move, and then I go to my 5 tries at Candy Crush Soda.  Next is a survey of my daily blogs - Ravelry, Yarn Harlot, Pioneer Woman, and Big Mama.  Then I take a break and shower, eat breakfast, etc.  I come back to the computer and check to see if there's any new email, and then it's off to FB where I play my rounds of Mahjongg Trails.  I've been "off" Solitaire Castle lately, so I haven't been playing that.     On days that I go to the pool, I check email and FB, play WWF, and do the rest of the routine when I get back.  Not a very edifying start to the day, but hey, so what?

We went to Indiana for 5 days last week for a niece's wedding.  We drove the almost 2000 miles round trip - just my husband and I -- and returned still enjoying each other's company!  The wedding was lovely, and we enjoyed visiting with 2 of my sisters and their families.

I'm also attending a weekly book study at church.  We're reading a book called Real Good Church by Rev. Molly Baskette.  She writes about she and her congregation resurrected itself from a dying church to a vibrant healthy one.  My church is dying so we are looking for ways to save ourselves.  I am feeling good about getting involved with a small group at church again.  I still have no interest in going back to a leadership role at the church.  I'm trying to figure out why.  I also am struggling to attend services regularly despite the fact that the pastor's sermons are interesting and more importantly, challenging.

I have been reading a lot too, and knitting almost every day.   I've even gone back to regular library visits.  I can't believe that for the past 2 years I've solely relied on e-books that I've either borrowed electronically from the state library through Overdrive, or that I've purchased.  My husband was surprised the walls didn't collapse when I walked into the brick library in the center of town!  I used to go at least once a week, and then suddenly never.  I know that that started because they changed the hours, and I found it hard to get into the library at a convenient to me time.

Next week we're heading to CT for Thanksgiving with my cousins.  I'm looking forward to that.

A few pictures from the past few weeks.

In Columbus, Indiana at the wedding.

Chicken Noodle Soup (homemade!) at a diner in Troy, NY on the way back from the wedding.

Afinished cowl - Let It Go by Diane Augustin

A finished sweater - Mindy by Julia Farwell-Clay.

The start of the Biplex Cowl by Laura Nelkin

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