Friday, February 19, 2016

Review: Dead In The Water

Dead In The Water Dead In The Water by Ann Granger
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The only reason it took so long to read this book is that when I started it, I realized that it was book 4 in the series and I hadn't read #2 and #3 yet. So I took it back to the library. Then I had to wait until it was available again.

Courtney Higson's body is found in a flooding river. Once it's determined that she was murdered, Jess Campbell and Ian Carter investigate. The pool of suspects is a local writing club, but none of the evidence supports that. Meanwhile Carter is dealing with his ex-wife and his inability to see as much of his daughter Millie as he'd like.

I enjoyed this cozy-ish mystery, although I felt that the ending was rather rushed.

View all my reviews

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