Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday Five: Turn the Page

I haven't had time to do a Friday Five in a long time.  This is an easy and fun one for the start of the year.

For today’s FF, tell us about five calendar themes that you like to see hanging on your walls or going with you to appointments, or that you WISH existed to adorn and accompany your life.

11.  I usually choose the kitchen calendar, and I usually like to get the type with gorgeous natural scenes, sometimes with Psalms, but the key is natural beauty.  This year however, I indulged my husband's preference and bought a sailing themed calendar which reflects his dream of sailing.  Any of the kitchen calendars has to have large spaces to write appointments on.  My 2013 calendar was Wonders of the World which I picked because one of the units in my students' reading text concerns the ancient and modern wonders of the world.  I keep the pics for a research unit they do.

2.  Next to my computer is "my" calendar - a mini calendar, also with beautiful scenery and definitely inspirational quotes.  Unfortunately I haven't gotten a new 2014 calendar yet.

3.  I carry a  checkbook type calendar which I get at the beginning of the school year from NEA-NH.  It follows the academic year, with the first month being August!  This is where I record drs appts.  It takes me way too long to enter meetings and appts in my phone.

4.  My school calendars are boring.  One is a paper computer generated calendar which tracks our "A", "B" rotating schedule.  I also have a calendar app as part of our school email program which I use to record parent meetings, staff meetings, and special ed meetings.  The program also tracks the computer lab availability so I use that to schedule time in the computer lab.  And my plan book is calendar-based also --- A weekly spread sheet divided into class periods.  Here is where I keep my lesson plan schedule.  I keep these from year to year and I refer to the previous year's plan book frequently to keep me on track, and because I often jot down reminders for "next time I teach this."

5.  My ideal calendar would be beautiful, inspirational, follow me around everywhere, and be flexible so that I could have everything in one place. I know that I can do something like this with Google or other apps, but electronic calendars require internet or cell phone access, something that not all places I am have.  And I'm not a cell phone junkie; I use it to make calls or to check email when I'm on vacation.  I don't text or play games or make videos, and only occasionally use it as a camera.  Besides, the electronic ones aren't beautiful!

Bonus:  I also love the natural calendar of the lunar cycle and the seasons.  I notice the position of the sun rise (or lack of it!) on my way to work each morning.   At the turn of the season in spring and fall there are a few days where I am blinded by the solar glare as I crest a hill going eastward at sunrise.  And then I watch the sun move northward or southward.  And the full moon shines directly into the bedroom, sometimes from the south window and 6 months later from the northern side.  And finally the quality of light changes with the seasons, and I look forward to the morning when all of a sudden, the light is warmer and  softer, and I know spring is arriving.



altar ego said...

I'm relieved to find another person who writes their life, rather than types it (at least as far as calendars go). And like you, I love to have beauty around me. At a church I used to serve we would get a free inspirational calendar as a prompt for fundraising, and they were very well made, had beautiful photos and wonderful text. I miss that calendar! Blessings to you as you begin this new year.

Tara Ulrich said...

Nice play! said...

I love those little checkbook calendars, I have several from years past and they bring back lots of memories. In keeping with a family tradition, I always glued a photo of family in the front to remind me of my priority.